大法官解釋 釋字第601號 |
公佈日期:2005/07/22 |
解釋爭點 |
立法院刪除大法官司法專業加給之預算違憲? |
[4]如將司法權之性質理解為必須審理具有爭訟性,甚至是「兩造對立」式的爭訟事件始可,則現行司法院大法官審理案件法之規定,最容易遭釋憲權是否已偏離上開所謂司法權性質而行使之質疑者,應為大法官審理案件法第四條第一項第一款之「適用憲法發生疑義之事項」,而由中央或地方機關、立法委員現有總額三分之一以上,依同法第五條第一項第一款或第三款規定,「就行使職權,適用憲法發生疑義」,向本院聲請解釋之案件。憲法疑義解釋乍看之下乃係對不具有爭訟性之事項,提供憲法意見,而非屬審理憲法上爭訟之案件。惟憲法疑義案件仍均因政治部門不同機關間或立法院多數與少數間發生爭議,而婉轉藉上開規定提出聲請(如釋定第三四二、三六四、四八五等多號重要解釋),本院在受理類似案件時,均以司法者之角度,注意所提境請案之可司法性,而就其事實上是否確係發生憲法上之爭議而有爭訟性、是否適時提出等等要件予以審議,避免提供各機關憲法諮詢意見。經由符合司法性質的實務運作,已使憲法疑義解釋類型成為特殊的憲法訴訟類型。 [5]退萬步言,縱將憲法第八十條解為係以一般法院法帖為主要之規範對象,然掌理違憲審查權之大法官基於類推適用,亦應有獨立審判原則之適用。 [6]請參見THE FEDERALIST NO. 79,頁472(Alexander Hamilton)(Clinton Rossitered., 1961)。其原文為“[A] power over a man's subsistence amounts to a power over his will.” [7]US CONST. art. I, Section 6 C1. 1. (“The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasaury of the United States.”) [8]US CONST. amend. XXVII. (“No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.”) [9]US CONST. art. II, Section 1 C1. 7. (“The President shall, at stated Time, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be encreased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them.”) [10]US CONST. art. III, Section 1. (“The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.”) [11]有關美國憲法如何保障憲法機關重要成員之薪俸之詳細論述,請參閱例如Adrian Vermeule, The Constitutional Law of Official Compensation, 102 COLUMBIA LAW REVIEW 501 (2002). [12]我國憲法除於第八十一條對法官的薪俸有明文保障外,並未如美國憲法就所有憲法機關重要成員的薪俸分別在憲法中予以明文保障。惟如參酌美國憲法的設計,基於權力分立制衡原則,也應對法官以外之憲法機關重要成員的薪俸有合理之制度保障。 [13]基此,本席向來認為法官之薪俸結構,是否一定包含司法人員專業加給在內,得由相關行政及立法部門,就整體公務人員薪俸應有的結構與數額,以及法官工作的專業性與尊嚴等因素妥善規劃,並非因憲法第八十一條之規定即謂其必領取司法人員專業加給不可,大法官自亦不例外。 |
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