大法官解釋 釋字第775號 |
公佈日期:2019/2/22 |
解釋爭點 |
一、刑法第47條第1項有關累犯加重本刑部分,是否違反憲法一行為不二罰原則?又其一律加重本刑,是否違反憲法罪刑相當原則? 二、刑法第48條前段及刑事訴訟法第477條第1項有關累犯更定其刑部分,是否違反憲法一事不再理原則? |
[32] The German Code of Criminal Procedure Section 362 provides that: ‘ Reopening of proceedings concluded by a final judgment shall be admissible to the defendant’s detriment 1. if a document produced as genuine, for his benefit, at the main hearing was false or forged; 2. if a witness or expert, when giving testimony or an opinion for the defendant’s benefit, was guilty of willful or negligent violation of the duty imposed by the oath, or of willfully making a false, unsworn statement; 3. if a judge or lay judge participated in drafting the judgment who was guilty of a criminal violation of his official duties in relation to the case; 4. if the person acquitted makes a credible confession, in or outside the court, that he committed the criminal offence.’ https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_stpo/englisch_stpo.html#p2085 last visited: February 10, 2019. [33] The German Code of Criminal Procedure Section 373a provides that: ‘ (1) Reopening of proceedings concluded by a final penal order to the convicted person’s detriment shall also be admissible if new facts or evidence have been produced which, either alone or in conjunction with earlier evidence, tend to substantiate conviction for a felony. (2) In all other cases Sections 359 to 373 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the reopening of the proceedings concluded by a final penal order.’ https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_stpo/englisch_stpo.html#p2148 last visited: February 11, 2019. [34] 刑法第48條前段規定:「裁判確定後,發覺為累犯者,依前條之規定更定其刑。」 [35] 刑法第47條第1項規定:「受徒刑之執行完畢,或一部之執行而赦免後,5年以內故意再犯有期徒刑以上之罪者,為累犯,⋯⋯」 [36] Williams v. New York, 337 U.S. 241 (1949); RICHARD G. SINGER, CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Ⅱ: FROM BAIL TO JAIL 292 (2nd ed. 2008). [37] 刑事訴訟法第222條第2項規定:「為裁定前有必要時,得調查事實。」 |
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